Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Family Trees

My Auntie Marcie sent me an e-mail the other day asking me for some family history- a friend of hers, or a relative I've never heard of, is making a family tree and wanted my mom's parent's information. I thought sure, no problem, let me just call up mom.

Me: Hey Mom, where was Grandpa born?
Mom: 57 Albert Street
Me: Wow, that's specific. Maybe just give me a city and a year. That would be great.
Mom: Oh. I have no fucking idea. But his mother was the first person to drive a car in Ontario.
Me(in my head): seriously how the frick do you know this stuff?
Mom: Her last name was Shirk
Me: okay, so can you tell me where Ashley (my sister) was born?
Mom: At the original Grace hospital.
Me: Wait, is that Grey's as in Grey's Anatomy or Grace as in Amazing Grace?
Mom: the second one. You could still smoke in the hallways there too.
Me: excellent. I'll see if there is a spot for that on the tree. (in my head) OMFreakingLORD.
Me: Do you have any information whatsoever concerning when and where your parents were born or when they died? Any at all?
Mom: When who died?
Me:You know what? Maybe I should have just emailed your sister for this.
Mom: Probably.

File this one under "Things I should have known were going to be frustrating before I even started"

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