Sunday, March 6, 2011


 I've watched so many documentaries lately and I feel need to tell you to watch them too so when we hang out we can talk about them and discuss.There are a ton I haven't seen yet but are on my list (Gasland, Inside Job, The Cove to name a few) Here are some I've watched recently:

One Day in September, winner of the Oscar in 1999 for Best Documentary. Powerful, harsh, and blunt: about the 1972 Munich Massacre at the Summer Olympics. 11 Israelis were kidnapped by Palestinian extremists. One of the extremists speaks about his role in the hostage. Footage is incredible.

The Tillman Story
Pat Tillman, a football player for the NFL drops everything he knows and enlists in the U.S. Army after 9/11. He is killed in combat and his death is twisted and used by the army to improve it's image and it's role in the war. The real reason for his death is covered up by everyone from his buddies to the president.

About A Son
Basically a story about Kurt Cobain's life by Kurt Cobain, with his voice essentially narrating his life story, taken from telephone interviews over the years, with visuals from Kurt's hometown (Aberdeen, Washington, Seattle etc) playing while he speaks.  The last interview that was conducted was about a month before he was found dead.

Dear Zachary: A letter to a son about his father.
 Absolutely heartbreaking and maddening at the same time. A friend decides to make a movie for a little boy so that he will know who is father was (who was murdered).  Don't look this up on the Internet because it will ruin the ending for you. This one will stick with you for a while.

As I've written this post I realize these movies are all kind of dark or depressing subjects. But people don't generally make documentaries about sunshine and flowers do they? Shit happens, people make movies in order to get knowledge out into a world otherwise preoccupied with Charlie Sheen's latest rant or Lindsay's latest theft.
However, if you do find any documentaries about sunshine/rainbows/puppies let me know, or any other films you've loved, let me know!

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